Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Treatment for osteoporosis at Bodyworks

Osteoporosis (literally meaning porous bones) and also known as Brittle Bone Disease is a disorder of the skeleton. The National Osteoporosis Society states that mainly as a result of osteoporosis, 1 in 5 men over the age of 50 will break or fracture a bone against 1 in 2 women. Osteoporosis is regarded as a “silent illness” as many people do not know they have this condition until it is too late. If you do suffer from osteoporosis, bones become very brittle, fracture very easily and unfortunately, medication to help combat osteoporosis is harsh and the side effects can be unpleasant. Using a derivative of MRI scanner technology and by means of a world wide patented complex system of air-cored magnetic coils and radio frequencies, German scientists and researchers have now found it possible to transfer pulsed magnetic resonance energy into the bone cells (and cartilage cells), forcing these into re-growth, increasing and enhancing bone density. A number of scientific, double blind, placebo controlled and randomised tests, documented research and clinical trials have shown that this technology can naturally stimulate the bone osteoblast cells aiding in the re-growth of bone with improvements of up to 60% being shown. At last, a drug free and a surgical free alternative to osteopenia, osteoporosis, arthritis of the joints, to ligament or tendon problems and to spinal disc problems by treating the cause, not the outcome.
Bodyworks Physiotherapy Clinic in Estepona 952 883 151

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