Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Power Plates

PowerPlate is the brand leader for Acceleration Training Technology, in the last couple of years the popularity of training with PowerPlate’s has soared. While new fitness products are launched every week, many fail to stick around, yet PowerPlate’s are here to stay! Training with a PowerPlate gives the body a high intensity workout by increasing the speed of contraction in the muscles. A muscle usually contracts once or twice a second, yet the vibrations from a PowerPlate cause a muscle to contract around 30-50 times a second. This greatly increases the intensity of the workout and means people can gain significant results from as little as three, fifteen minute sessions a week. Many celebrities including Kylie Minogue, Elle Macpherson and Sienna Miller have all credited their physiques to PowerPlate technology, and in the sporting world European Champions Manchester United use PowerPlates to get their players in top shape. The PGA golf tour has also appreciated the benefits of PowerPlate technology and players regularly train with them. This year has seen the launch of several dedicated PowerPlate centres on the Costa del Sol, each with their own different selling points. If you would like to learn more about PowerPlates or to experience training with them youreslf, then contact one of the centres below and book yourself a session.
POSH PowerPlate Studi0 - Bel Air - 952 885 195
Good Vibrations - Nueva Andalucia - 952 819 338

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