Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are you golf fit?

The Costa del Sol, or Costa del Golf as it is sometimes known, is awash with golfers wanting to improve their handicaps and play the ultimate round. Now, while golf is often seen as a very social game, if you really want to perform to your maximum potential then the physical side of your preparation is key. Will2Win CEO, John Brierley, is launching a new programme called Totally Golf Fit. It is aimed at anyone who wants to improve their strength, flexibility and postural control to play more consistently and get the scores they can only dream of! Will2Win aim to assess all components which influence swing power and control before they start the programme and then produce a tailored, home based programme.
More and more golf professionals work on their physical condition and engage sport psychology support. These services are equally available, and very useable by the keen local player who simply wants to improve their enjoyment, drop their handicap or even try to get onto the professional tour.

For more information on Totally Golf Fit contact Will2Win

Monday, January 26, 2009

Finally a non-invasive way to reshape and permanently white your smile!

Finally, a non-invasive way to reshape and permanently whiten your smile!

A well established and much respected dental practice, the Paul Arts Dental Clinic in Marbella, is introducing a treatment offering a non-invasive way to reshape and permanently whiten your teeth. Dr Paul Arts is currently the only dentist in Spain certified to offer this dental cosmetic solution.
Lumineers offer a revolution in aesthetic dentistry. Lens thin, these porcelain veneers can whiten and reshape stained, chipped and discoloured teeth, without (or with minimal) grinding and in most cases without any injections-unlike traditional veneers.
Dr Paul Arts – Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry & (0034) 952 817 110

Pilates classes in Estepona Old Town

Are you interested in taking up pilates this year? Pilates instructor Catherine McLellan runs pilates classes in a dance studio conveniently situated in the centre of the Old Town in Estepona. The classes are mat work based, often incorporating the use of pieces of equipment such as stability balls, resistance bands and hand weights.
Group classes are kept to a maximum of 7 people so that clients can be supervised and corrected if required. Catherine also teaches private one to one sessions for those who have never taken a pilates session before and want to learn the basics before joining a class.
All levels of fitness and ability, and all ages, attend the classes, but Catherine is also running a special class for people who have osteoporosis and back problems, as greater care has to be taken when making certain movements. Pilates can be used as an exercise to help rehabilitate after an injury, but many clients attend the classes because they want to improve their posture, flexibility, strength and generally feel good about themselves!

More information is available at

Pure-Col - Preventative Health care in sport and fitness

Preventative Health Care in Sport and Fitness with Pure-Col

Many sporting activities offer to improve overall health and well-being, however if care is not taken injuries can result, sometimes with debilitating effects on the muscles, tendons and ligaments. Stretching the muscles prior to and after exercise will help prevent injury, but stretching alone will not address the muscle weakness and joint mobility problems that develop with age. It is for this reason that many sportsmen and women are turning to Collagen as a form of natural and preventative health care.
Collagen holds together our ligaments, tendons, bones, and skeletal muscles as well as the muscle tissues like blood vessels, the digestive tract and our organs. Collagen protects cartilage and synovial fluid against deterioration, it is the raw material for cartilage synthesis and repair and collagen can also reduce oxidative damage to joints and therefore stimulate significant reductions in joint pain, tenderness and swelling. Indeed, collagen represents 80% of the connective tissue in our body, which means that a depletion of collagen leads to lack of support for the joints, thus contributing to conditions such as arthritis and musculo-skeletal injuries.
From the age of twenty-five the amount of collagen produced by our bodies begins to reduce by a rate of about 1.5% per year, so that by our mid forties we have just 75% of the collagen that our bodies require to maintain optimum health. As collagen production diminishes, the connective tissues deteriorate resulting in joint pain and muscle weakness. Supplementing with collagen is believed to provide the body with the amino acids necessary to manufacture and support collagen, which can then help with the general well being of joints and cartilage and possibly prevent muscle deterioration.
Purecol, a high quality collagen capsule, which uses an amino lock procedure to ensure maximum absorption into the body, is available at various health and beauty locations throughout the Costa Del Sol, including Pure-Col Spain, Bodyworks - Estepona, Marbella Chiropractic, and Stein Myklebust Chiropractor – Calahonda. Collagen is non-toxic and has no known side effects unlike regularly prescribed immuno-suppressant pharmaceuticals and non-steroid anti-inflammatories.
For more information contact