Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Are you golf fit?

The Costa del Sol, or Costa del Golf as it is sometimes known, is awash with golfers wanting to improve their handicaps and play the ultimate round. Now, while golf is often seen as a very social game, if you really want to perform to your maximum potential then the physical side of your preparation is key. Will2Win CEO, John Brierley, is launching a new programme called Totally Golf Fit. It is aimed at anyone who wants to improve their strength, flexibility and postural control to play more consistently and get the scores they can only dream of! Will2Win aim to assess all components which influence swing power and control before they start the programme and then produce a tailored, home based programme.
More and more golf professionals work on their physical condition and engage sport psychology support. These services are equally available, and very useable by the keen local player who simply wants to improve their enjoyment, drop their handicap or even try to get onto the professional tour.

For more information on Totally Golf Fit contact Will2Win

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